Monday, July 7, 2014

An Old Story

This is my very own old story. I hope you would like it ( sorry for the bad and super hard to be understood English ).

My very own story is about how I wanted to be thin so badly and about I tried hard to be thin and then I came to a very own conclusion.

Standard 6
The story began when I was 12 years old. Obviously, that year I was having UPSR. That year I always went swimming with my family. We swam at Bukit Jalil Club. There was once I jumped into the swimming pool and made a terrible big splash of water. I accidentally splashed a little girl ( who was in the swimming pool, I hope to say sorry to her ). I wanted to say sorry. But then, she said that I'm a fat granny ( FEI PO ). I was so furious and sad about what I'd done. I had never been called fat. ( That time I was only a 12 years old girl, and I weighed like 44kg with my height 15_ something. If you are a person who want to have a very thin body, you must be feeling that I was super fat.

Form 1
That incident was no longer be what I'd been furious about, but it was thing that had sliced my heart. So, when I was Form 1, I was said to be the ugliest person in my class. I was low in self confident and I couldn't bear with it. I thought that I was the stupidest and ugliest person in the whole. No one liked me. Plus, I didn't speak fluent English and thus I felt so sad. And down.

Form 2
I was in a super smart class. My classmates were smart. They scored very well, which made me wanted to change myself. I told myself I had to be more hardworking. People are smart, but I'm not. There isn't any As I would get if I was still lazy. And I started to be like a super quiet person in class ( in anywhere ) because I was scared that what I would be hated by the others. I wanted to be the shiniest star in everywhere. So, what I could do was that I ate like 3 palms ( handful ) of food everyday. Sometimes I could even count how many bites of food I had eaten. I weighed 43 kg and had height of 160 cm.

Form 3
I never think that I was thin enough. I wanted more attention from others. I wanted people to say that I was pretty and thin ( plus smart ). I wanted what people's praising. I continued to eat as little as I could. I didn't eat junk food ( seldom, even was, I only ate like 2 pieces of chips). I did research on how to lose weight. I checked on internet and knew that I shouldn't drink sweet drinks. I only drink water. And I always told my friends that I was fat. I was fat. I was fat. But they said no. I had this kind of feeling that I was so happy because people told me that I was thin. But I never satisfied with my weight.  I went jogging like every week ( I had never jog before this!) so as to lose my weight. There was once my grannies came and visited my family. All of us were having dinner. And both my grannies sort of telling my parents to give me more to eat. I felt so happy because even my grannies thought that I was thin! That time I weighted 40 kg and had height of 160 cm ( I never become tall after so many years! ).

Form 4
Form 4 life was stressful. I decided to join athlete but because my friends told me that it would be tiring and affect my studies, I stopped thinking about that. In the other way, I joined Nature Club, KRS and etc. Because of I was still eating at less as possible, I got my sister attention. ( I could even check the calories of every food that I was going to eat so as to consume the least ). So, she told me that if I continued to be like that, I would end up with super weak body. ( I thought about death ) She told me that I couldn't be like that. I should start eating more so that my body could work normally. I started to realised that LIFE IS NOT ONLY ABOUT BEING THIN. I read many magazines and saw the models were not very thin. I started to think about why nowadays models were so not very thin? What was going on in the world?

One very important thing is that when I was Form 4, I started to stay close with God. I read Bible started to appreciate about what I have had. God created everyone with his own aim. God has a very own special plan on each of everyone and YOU! God even knows how many hairs you have! He loves us so much. Though sometimes I feel like I am not the sparking attention in everyone eyes, I still tell myself that I'm one of the sparking attention from my God. God has planned everything. I got over with the being thin part. God made a not very tough but tough ( to me ) journey for me. What is wrong with body weight?

Here is my English understanding diagram about the vocabulary ( body weight )
So, if you are at the boney ( is there such word? Sorry for poor english again), 
you should consume more calories so as to upgrade to skinny.

If you are at the skinny, make sure to consume more calories to thin! 
Because all the models are at the thin state, so if you don't want to be a model, 
just stay or a little bit more than thin! 

I really encourage people to do more exercise for own good.

My post come to an end. 
If you are one who are seeking to be thin, but you are out of thin already ( meaning that you are now at boney or skinny state ), you can consider my words.

If you still have problems, I advise you to consult a doctor. Plus, tell me about it so that I can pray for you. 

After all I am just a person who has gone through this. I'm not a doctor. 

Remember God is always with you, your life is going to shine as bright as possible as God is there with you.

Glory to the Lord. 

Elisa Jean X O
8:33 p.m