Sunday, April 10, 2016

You and I: Part I

Believe or not, we are all searching the 'you' in our lives. 
In fact, we are searching for the 'you' everyday. It makes us restless. It's relentless. 

It is as if our lives' purpose is to get a life companion. Admit it, all of us feel lonely, sometimes. Sometimes, you wish to have someone being by your side. There might be no words exchanged. The presence of 'you' is enough. The presence of 'you' wins the whole world. It's a feeling of 'I just need 'you''.

Perhaps, that's why you and I are searching for a life mate. It's not as easy as buying a life companion (Samsung phones), it is time and energy consuming. It's seldom that these factors would hold us back from the desire to love. We love challenges, don't we? 

Almost, everyone, is excited for a new start. You feel as if being in a new environment is the best thing ever. It is the moment that you have been longed for. But, why? Because you want to get rid of your old habits, because you want to get rid of the loneliness that the older you experienced, because you want a whole different life with a genuine friend. You want a story that is written by both of you.

How many new starts can you have?

On the other hand, you might also wish for meeting new people, those who just start new. Later, you find out that you are actually not longing for a new start or a change, you're waiting for a new experience. You are long for a ''You' and I' experience. The one that belongs to only both of you.


I like how Reverend Dr. Stephen Tong's sermon went. I once attended one of his sermons in KL this year January. I have loved how he described the relationship of 'Thou' and I. It was breathtaking. 

When we were young (now imagine yourself as a little kid figure), we had been depending on our mothers. Every time when problem making us cry, mother was our rescuers. Our life circles were too small that only 'Thou' (our moms) and us. We cried in our hearts when moms were driving away from our kindergartens. We cried when there were only us on the isle of the supermarket. We wanted our moms to be by our sides, we wanted the care and love from her. She is the 'Thou'.

As we grew older, we found out that our moms weren't the smartest, weren't the perfect ones. The 'Thou', therefore, changed from moms, to our dads, then our teachers, our lecturers, our peers. 

Our 'Thou' changes. We later realise that 'Thou' is too hard to be found.

Till now, we are still searching the 'Thou'.

'Thou', where are you?

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