Saturday, April 2, 2016

How does love work?

I like how romantic stories go. I believe that in real life, we, at least, will experience one of that sudden melt in our hearts when our eyes lock together, until we lay at the coffin, and one of us saying good bye to the other.

I believe love is far beyond that. It's the infinity sign that we've drawn with our finite hands. 
Love is what 1 Corinthian 13 is talking about. 

Love is everlasting. 

1 Corinthian 13 is far more romantic than the 5-seconds-but-feels-like-forever-heart-melting eyes locking . It's more than 4 Dimensions. It has no time constrains.

Because it's love.

Sometimes, I feel like shutting myself down from the world. 

My mind triggers a lot about relationships these days. Being alone is a trial, a challenge. The sudden absence of a personal photographer at this stage of my life has set me into learning selfie. I take photos of myself. I smile big enough to make sure I'm in my best condition. My muscle contracts, and makes 16-teeth-out smile. Sometimes, I have to tidy my hair a little bit to make sure everything look perfect. 

Nothing is perfect, bro.

Let's talk about hangout with friends.

The lonelier you feel, the more you feel like hanging out with friends for every free time you have. That's me for the past few weeks. Boredom doesn't fill in the room of emptiness in my heart, it's the lack of people's love emerges. The absence is massive. You feel like connecting yourself with your phone every hour, every second, because that's the only way you can feel connected, you can feel loved. It's not boredom, it's the absence of love that you feel.

So, I posted a photo with caption. I've been thinking a lot about the grown-up world. Knowing that I'm no longer a kid, I have the strong urge to be stronger while living in a community with different kinds of people. I'm always terrified by interacting with people whom I'm not familiar with. Don't call me a liar, I think I end up dealing pretty well with new faces. I can see myself involving in business in the future. 

I strongly felt what I'd written for the caption about love. I've seen, or perhaps, felt, too much about how people craving for different kinds of love. Dealing with different fundamental meanings of love can be hard. No, it's really hard. 

Hardship goes on and on when there are misunderstanding and misconceptions about different beliefs and what not. I guess, I'm overthinking about the consequences, but isn't it good to think about the consequences as it's an action of caring about the future?

That sounds like we always have tomorrow, but actually we don't. Now I'm finding myself contradicting with myself. Aren't we supposed to love our love ones like we're gonna lose them? How does love work? 

God knows. 

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