Tuesday, March 8, 2016

They say Freedom

Stressed is overwhelming.

Connect the photo with this blog whatever you want. 

It's not until I realised that I've gotta be prepared for every week. Because there's almost 2 quizzes for every week. Studying abroad is supposed to be fun and exciting, but what I feel is just plainly stress and anxiety. 

It's time when independent has become the key word of my life here. It's all about being organised and being responsible to oneself. No one will ever care what you are doing, you are the one who care about yourself. At this point of my life, there's actually no one giving a weird look for whatever I'm doing. I guess that's what they called freedom. Free from being judged by people.

Obligation brings me to the safe zone boundary. 

I can't abandon much of the culture that I've brought from where I grew up to here. I keep God's words in my brain. My brain stimulates the words out to my heart whenever there's something that I feel wrong. I stay away from the wrong. 

Because I always want to be at the right.

I see how society here has got strong will of human rights. They have advertisement of Gay and Lesbian's show on a particular date and time. I see how people can just talk about having condoms and what not in their lives. I'm completely aware that things are not as beautiful as what I have experienced in my country. Things are not complicated here, it's even simpler. 

Humans have demand. Therefore, there's a supply for their needs. 

That's just as simple as that.

I have had classmates who is blind and who constantly sits at her wheelchair. I also have classmates who raise kids for their past life and now still feeding their kids with all they have. I see how different people come from different destinies, but they have decided to give in their lives to this thing called education. 

I see how education works.

It is never a chance for disabilities or responsibilities to constrain you from persueing what you want. It's never a chance for people to stop you going into the desires that you have always wanted to fulfilled. No one ever care if you have being controlled by your desires. They don't care. 

I wrote down "Actively Rescue" on a piece of paper, and I pasted it on my wall. I told myself, this is the theme for 2016. I'm having an obligation of rescuing whoever. On my back, I've the Almighty one. You know who I'm talking about, don't you?

"I have the right to do anything," you say, but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything", but I will not be mastered by anything.  - 1 Corinthians 6:12

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