Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I need God.

I'm starting to like what I'm studying. 

Talents have not been showing up for a while since I started my holidays months ago. I'm now feeling exciting to face the work load that will be given. I'm a bit crazy, ain't me? 

Reading the book that my university gave each of us student on the day of degree information, I find myself being attracted to the book more and more. I feel connected to the career that I want to have. I find a piece of my flower land. I can never put off my dream of having a clothing shop. I can't stop chasing the dream of mine for being a fashion designer. I know time is chasing me, but I know there's a way to win the race. 

Dreaming is such a waste of time. Getting things done on time is a hard one. It can make us stumble and fall. But every time of getting up from the fall is another step closer to the gate named Success. That's why I try. That's why I even try. That's why I even make myself become stronger. 

I reemphasize to myself that I'm unique as a banana tree. In fact you have no idea why a banana tree, it's because a banana tree only bear fruits once in its life time. That's why I love banana fruit. As long as their is a goal, there's no way anything on this earth can stop you. It's true. So, we work for it. 

Sometimes when I see myself as the center of the universe, I stop having my thoughts going on and on in my brain. I stop. I always like to stay close with God. Yes, stay close with some One that's reliable. People will soon forget about you unless you remind them of yourself. Why not having God in your heart. That can be as genuine as possible. I'm here to say that I'm a sinner, I need God, and I'm a daughter of God. 

I often forget about my identity. I drive my dream without identity. It's kind of like driving a car without a license. Now you know how dangerous it could be. Often, I forget to bring my license. I forget how tsunami can hold human close to death. But there are more human crying for breaking up and not getting good grades. Give yourself some times and think about it. You are here reading my blog not because of accident or unplanned occurrence. It's planned. 

I don't mean that my writing can change your whole life, totally not. What I mean is that things can be as simple as you see, but there's actually a living God who plans everything. 

That's why I'm still here but not in the coffin. If your life has got nothing better to do, why do you even exist? You exist because of reasons. You need God to find out your reasons.

I know.
I need God. 

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