Monday, October 26, 2015

Quit Instagram

Surprisingly I did something incredible. I deleted my Instagram account.

Yesterday I went to my sister's master degree convocation. I was really happy about it. Congratulation to her for completing the tough journey. We took a lot of photographs for the past few days in her university. The scenery was nice. But it got windy at the evening when the sun went down. We had a lot of fun taking funny, creative and formal photos.

The Friday before I went to sister's convocation, I had a mini photo shooting with myself. I know that sounds super duper weird. But that was what literally happening with me. I set a tripod and the camera. I cleared the background for where I wanted to take the photos. And I put on a black dress. I was depressed and pressured that time, I would say. In addition, I was alone in house, and I was listening to Sia's '1000 forms of fear', which made me more depressing. 

I took many shots. It was really tiring because I had to be both model and photographer at the same time. Of course I was using timer.Way after all the failure and success like photos were taken, I wanted to pause for a while. However, I decided to just take more shots. Surprisingly, the last shot was the only one I satisfied. The others were not that impressive. 

Here are some of the shots:

I posted on my Instagram. But I deleted my account!

This is my favourite! 

From the photos, I can there are too much noises, not good photo's setting.

I really thank God for making me realising how beautiful everything is. I always thought that Instagram made things looked better. But what is more important is that using your own eyes and discover the beauty for everything with every angle. I think my decision of deleting it is not a mistake. We still can excel in any other platform. Don't ever let anything to restrict you capacity! 

1 comment:

  1. loved what you said about using our own eyes to discover the beauty of everything instead of relying on instagram's filters!
