Friday, November 21, 2014

Something weird about ME

November slowly comes to an end. My mind can't stop thinking about my next year plans. Of course, and my one month holiday in December.

As you know, I'm sitting for this public school exam for a month. This drives me crazy because I'm not even putting much effort into it. I can't think about this exam result. It must be pretty bad.

Throughout the year of 2014, I find a true me. I have learnt being more selfless. Well, I'm not a loving loving type person. I admit that I'm always selfish. But I'm trying to change. Plus, I'm changing. That's not a big deal, I guess. I always find myself planting a little bit of love in everyone that I meet. I think I should continue planting this love, so that everyone can feel it.

I have observed people around me all the time. Don't think that I'm a geek or a crazy, because I love social science very much. I have done all these because I want to know the mystery of relationship. Relationship is a big topic. Well, as a result, I find my "project" of knowing how relationship works is a sign of infinity. And the result will only come to an answer when I really learn how to socialize with people.

The way I think about things is very weird. Like the day before yesterday, I finally filled in my enrollment form for next year college. I was and am excited about it. Well, I signed up for 5 subjects for my foundation. One of it which I just filled in on that day was Social Science. I actually found myself reading the description of the subject. And I got attracted by the words - psychology and sociology. My eyes blinked twice and read the text more carefully. And yes, there I saw a sentence which tells me that if I signed up for this subject, I gotta write a lot. Write a lot in English. And I consider my English- FAIL.

Instead of being afraid of writing English, I signed up for the Social Science. And I know I gotta read, speak, write and listen more English. I'm telling myself, everyday is an English day.

Despite being criticized by people, I still go ahead and write my blog in English. Tell you the biggest fact that I write in English. It's because among all four languages that I can speak, the best I can write in is English. That's such a pitiful thing. I'm pitiful.

Well, I'm gonna stop pitying myself.
All the best to my readers.

Elisa Jean X

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