Friday, November 11, 2016

The Underage Thief

The last semester of my first year is ending. I am here, sitting in front of UniSA computer, wondering how much I have grown, how much I have learnt throughout the year of 2016. 

Life is just a classroom, everyday is like a battle. 

Today I realise that being too open about my intellectual property might be as dangerous as a baby holding a knife. It has a high tendency to harm others and myself. 

Different individuals chase different dreams. 

There are lots of realisation. I realise being active in sharing information is not a good thing. Eventually, you will think that the whole world knows you more than you know yourself. When I invite people into my life, I am opening the others' secrets without permission. 

It is then, I realise asking for permission is a courtesy. It is an act of politeness. The politeness that I would never understand.


I am young, bold and wild. 

I always mix up ignorance and arrogance. When I was younger, I thought they were the same meaning. But things appear alike do not mean they are the same. Everything is never as it seems. 

I steal.

I steal people's inner feelings. That is the reason why I love expressing my feelings, thoughts and knowledge. It is just like how the ancient market works. You trade your excess with others' excess. That is why I love Economics. I love trading, trading information that that people have, trying to analyse the value of the information, trying to earn something out of it. I call myself business minded. That is just a better saying of money minded. I laugh.


I wanted to talk about growth. I mean economic growth can sound equally exciting as personal growth. I then realise growth has the same meaning as development. Development sounds exciting? It sounds like building a high-rise. I guess, the developer must have had the same feeling as how a woman feels after giving birth to his first child. 

It is the development that we want to see from ourselves. 

The golden period that we were once in was a part of our memories. We try hard to make it happen again. That is why we are always busy during the days and nights. Relentless routine that we have got ourselves stuck in. I like how we like to run our lives like a guinea pig or a hamster running on the 2- pie-r (2πr) treadmills. Promising forever is a bullshit, everyone eventually has that last breathe to catch. 

How much have I actually grown? 

I still express myself in the most genuine way. I still take people's intangible assets from their brains. They voluntarily open their brain boxes after hearing my persuasion. Then, I take their things out. I put them into my brains. 

I steal. 

Growing up doesn't sound fun. You learn to buy more lockers to lock up your brain. You learn to choose what to feel, when feeling is just like breathing. Remember that everyone has that last breathe to catch? Try choose not to breathe. 

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